One of those things is The Blue River Trail.
I was walking it this morning and thinking that I must have walked this over a 100 times. That is about 500 miles. Miles and miles of beautiful memories. Walking with the dogs or with Marilyn. When it is just me and the dogs I get to pray as a I walk and I can see the hand of the Creator in what He made for us. I have walked that trail almost daily. When I got Game at 5 weeks old, he couldn't make it all the way around. But some of my fondest memories of him as a pup are him playing in the creeks and exploring in the woods. And now for almost a year I have walked it with my Moses too. There are just so many memories there.
It is a beautiful place. It is where I met my dearest friend here in Missouri, Marilyn. We have seen each other at least 3 times a week since that day. Our dogs are best buds. She created a monster by getting me into scrap booking. She played a key role in me becoming a teacher.
Thank you Jesus for my trail!!