Well here is the 411 on my life and the move. I am working until Tuesday the 22ND. I get off of work that morning at 8 AM. Hopefully getting loaded and on the road will not take too long. We will probably be on the road by 10 AM. On the way, we are going to stop in St. Lois for an hour or two. Since I have lived here I have wanted to make a trip out there but the time never came. Every time that I have driven through it, it has been in the middle of the night so taking in the sights was impossible.
The main thing I would like to do is see "Gateway to the West." It would be nice to drive the 17 hours straight through, but I know that I cant do that. If I wasnt driving alone it would be a little easier. The dogs will be with me in the car. The good thing is that they are terrific passengers. They love to be on any raod trip. Even though I miss my kitty cat Hadassah, it would have been awful driving this far with her.
So, by Thursday afternoon we will be in Charelston. YEAH!! The internet is dial up there so blogging and emailing will be a little on the slow side (understatement).
Week one of being there will be very busy. I have to meet with advisers and register for classes. It will be a huge releif to have all of that taken care of.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone soon!