My my move and transition to South Carolina has been quite a little adventure. After 4 or 5 months of daydreaming and fantasizing about a fresh start here, it is a surreal to be actually living that fantasy out.
I love my new home. The Drolets have been wonderful to me. Mr. Mark has been a saint in helping me get into my house, fixing things and making this a home for me and the pups.
Mrs. Angela is also very caring to me. She has made me feel welcome here. She has shown me many places that are a part of her life. I enjoy our friendship and all the time that we spend together, from grocery shopping, walks with the dogs, cleaning to watching movies.
The dogs are also very happy here. They love to be outside in the sunshine. The heat though is a little much for them. Mr. Mark bought them a kiddo pool though. They love that! It is great for cooling off and baths.
The highlight of my move though was this past weekend. My sister and nephew came for a visit.

I got to see my nephew, Asher for the very first time. He just turned 11 months. He is so adorable and full of personality. My sister is a wonderful mother to him. He is a happy little boy!

The weekend was a lot of fun. We went to downtown Charleston on Saturday. There we had lunch and walked around to the shops. We also went to Waterfront Park downtown. The baby play in the fountain we took a walk on the pier.
On Sunday we went to Sullivan's Island. It was a wonderful experience to be there as he saw the ocean for the first time.
The last day they were here. Asher rode our pony Cricket. It was so cute. He wasn't afraid at all. He bounced up and down. As he reached forward to pet the pony, he affectionately called him "doggy."
I must have taken about a thousand pictures of them all weekend. So loading all of them would take a year! Here are some cute ones though.