Ella is the sweetest little girl. She has a wonderful personality and an infectious laugh. Until I knew her, I had no desire to have a flower girl in my wedding. Now, of course she is my beautiful little flower girl.
For a couple months we have been over at their house pretty regularly and every time the kids would say "where are the dogs.....will you bring you dogs next time?"
So after being asked over a hundred times we brought Game and Moses to meet them.
It was a lot of fun to see them play with the kids.
Game and Moses have totally different personalities......especially when it comes to kids.
Moses tends to hide from kids. He doesn't care for all the noise and just wants to chill out on his own or with me and Shea. Game on the other hand is so loving. They crawl all over him, play with his ears, and play rough with him. He can not get enough of all the attention.
Here are a couple of pages that I made from the day.