School is pretty good. Last week was insane for me because I had 3 papers due this week and I ended up picking up a couple of shifts at work.
Until yesterday, anytime that I was at home it was cram session, trying to fit in everything.
I got it all done though. I turned my paper in about "sex education vs. abstinence education" on Tuesday. I have to say that it was a GREAT paper. I enjoyed the research too. I know that the information is something that will benefit me as a future teacher especially if I am in the public school system.
Another big paper that was due yesterday was for Psychology, it had to be a historical event that made way or in some way changed your life. I was going to just write about becoming a teacher, but I had to fit in something from history. So I geared the paper more towards, women or courage and bravery. I am not big on the "women's suffrage" front, so that was difficult. I love women in American history like Aimee Semple Mcpherson and Catherine Beecher. Totally different women in history. I even thought about writing about women's move from the roles of motherhood and housewife and whether or not that has been good for society. It was probably a good thing I didn't.
But, I do think it was a good paper. My professor is one for a lot of "fluff" and that is not really me at all. Honestly, I am not very fond of her. This week especially. College teachers that take advantage of their position of influence in order to push a political agenda on kids that are not informed on issues and facts really anger me.
I know I need to pray about that.
The good news for now is that I have an A in all of my classes..... and the even better news is that Spring Break is in 10 days!
I am going to Colorado Springs. I am so excited. It will be so beautiful and relaxing and tons of fun! I will be doing a lot of hikes and mountain drives and biking.... and more.
There will be tons of pictures too!!! Can't wait!!!

So what subject did you end up doing for your women's paper? Sounds like you've been super busy! I miss you! We will talk soon!