About a week ago I received a package that I had been waiting for. I knew that it was a box of clothes for William, but I am had no idea how much was being sent. The box is huge! Jamie sent me all of the clothes the her baby Noah has grown out of and several outfits that were even passed down from her older boys as well.
I had so much fun sitting on the floor, going through all of the adorable blue outfits, longing for the moment that I put my own baby in them.
To me this was a box of more than just clothes. They are a blessing to us, a blessing because I know that getting rid of such special items came with both joy and sadness for the mama that placed her own boys in these little outfits. I will cherish every item.
Jamie, I want to thank you again for the hundreds of things that you sent for William. And thank you for the shower gift as well.
I thought about posting photos of the some of my favorites, but I will wait until there is a baby in them.