Monday we made a trip to Georgia for first time since William's birth. Shea's family has enjoyed William for the last 5 weeks, so I was excited to finally have my family meet the little guy. William did so well on the trip. He slept in the car almost the whole time. He only woke up to eat or have me change him. I am so lucky to have such a content baby.
The best part of the trip for me was getting to see Asher. I told him over Christmas that when he comes to see me that I would take him to the beach. That entire day he talked about going to GoGo's (that is JoJo) and going to the beach. Nicki told me a few weeks ago that he asks about going to GoGo's house at the beach almost everyday. He also loves his Uncle Shea. Shea plays football with him, and that seems to be the way to Asher's heart. That beautiful face is the way to mine.

The best part of the trip for me was getting to see Asher. I told him over Christmas that when he comes to see me that I would take him to the beach. That entire day he talked about going to GoGo's (that is JoJo) and going to the beach. Nicki told me a few weeks ago that he asks about going to GoGo's house at the beach almost everyday. He also loves his Uncle Shea. Shea plays football with him, and that seems to be the way to Asher's heart. That beautiful face is the way to mine.

His response to William (he calls him Will-um) was priceless. It was pure fascination! He held him a lot. Whenever someone else was holding him, Asher came up within minutes asking to hold him again. He kissed him and hugged him over and over again. He loves his new cousin.

Of course William go to meet his Aunt Nicki too. She is pregnant with my new little nephew right now. His is due to arrive at the end of April.
Being with my sister for the day reminded me of just how much I miss her. We don't get a chance to talk very often, but when we are together it is like no time has passed.
William also got to meet his Paw-paw. My daddy loves being a grandfather. His face lights up in their presence. In a few weeks he will have 4 grandsons!
It was a great trip. Exhausting but great.