Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Meeting the frady Bunch

Monday we made a trip to Georgia for first time since William's birth. Shea's family has enjoyed William for the last 5 weeks, so I was excited to finally have my family meet the little guy. William did so well on the trip. He slept in the car almost the whole time. He only woke up to eat or have me change him. I am so lucky to have such a content baby.
The best part of the trip for me was getting to see Asher. I told him over Christmas that when he comes to see me that I would take him to the beach. That entire day he talked about going to GoGo's (that is JoJo) and going to the beach. Nicki told me a few weeks ago that he asks about going to GoGo's house at the beach almost everyday. He also loves his Uncle Shea. Shea plays football with him, and that seems to be the way to Asher's heart. That beautiful face is the way to mine.
His response to William (he calls him Will-um) was priceless. It was pure fascination! He held him a lot. Whenever someone else was holding him, Asher came up within minutes asking to hold him again. He kissed him and hugged him over and over again. He loves his new cousin.

I love this little boy!

Of course William go to meet his Aunt Nicki too. She is pregnant with my new little nephew right now. His is due to arrive at the end of April.
Being with my sister for the day reminded me of just how much I miss her. We don't get a chance to talk very often, but when we are together it is like no time has passed.

William also got to meet his Paw-paw. My daddy loves being a grandfather. His face lights up in their presence. In a few weeks he will have 4 grandsons!
It was a great trip. Exhausting but great.

Friday, March 26, 2010

I cant resist him!

This poor baby has a camera in his face 90 % of the time....I just cant resist. He is one month old now.

Tell me he's not the cutest baby ever!

I definatley can not resist those chubby legs.
Yes I know that baby shoes are pointless but I just love these little bedroom slippers.
Poor thing, I know he is thinking, " mama dont you know I cant hold my head up yet?"

I love motherhood!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

3 Weeks Old

These 3 weeks have gone by fast. William is a great baby. He is overall very content and easy to please. He is still breastfeeding and doing well at it. I have seen an emergence of personality in him this week. He is starting to coo a little and a few times a day I catch a smile from him. He smiles in his sleep mostly.

Another exciting discovery this week was his thumb. I tried to get it on video but I missed it.

The dogs have reacted to him just the way we expected. Game has made it his mission in life to protect and guard him. He checks out anyone that goes near the baby. If William is crying he runs to his rescue. Sometimes he will even moan when William cries.
Moses on the the other hand couldn't care less about this new addition. He doesn't dislike him, but he really feels no great love for him either. Anyone that knows Moses knows that all he really cares about it whether or not this will effect his meal times, daily walks and time playing with his tennis ball.
I am looking forward to seeing my children grow up these two. It is an experience I never had that I am glad William will have two awesome dogs to grow up with. Shea on the other hand is looking forward to William being old enough to pick up poop in the yard and take over bathing them.

Here is Game on duty.

and on duty at the can never be too careful.

I cant believe that he will be one month old next week. Everyone told me while I was pregnant and in agony that as soon as he was here that it would go by so fast, well they were right.

Baby's First St. Patrick's Day

This week was a big deal in this family St. Patrick's Day. It is also very special because it is also Aunt Theresa's birthday. We spent the day with her and Angela. We ate luch at Olive Garden and then stayed for several hours just enjoying being together. We always have such a blast with these two. I love all the stories about their childhood and especially stories of Shea's Papa that William was named after.
I have been looking forward to this day. I needed to get out of the house and be with people for a little while. I love taking care of my little man, but I also needed a day spent laughing. It is also so wonderful to be with people that love him so much. One of my greatest desires for my children is that they would have family. Family that loves and adores him in every way. I didn't even know what that would look like, but I see it now. We are so blessed to be surrounded by these people with such wonderful hearts.

Of course William had a really cute outfit for the day. He had to be all decked out for such a special day. (It reads "Shamrock and roll") His Papa William would be so proud.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

what to do when your baby will not sleep?

William has been a great night time baby since we brought him home. He sleeps so good for several hours at a time. But last night was defiantly not the case. It was a hectic day, we went to visit a couple of family members and then had family over at the house for a few hours so sleep and feeding schedule was interrupted.

The way we spent the night with him up I think is an obvious testament that we are first time parents. He was wide awake and more alert than ever so we thought it would be fun to take some pictures. We are such nerds!

Friday, March 5, 2010

William's First Week Home

It has been almost a week since we came home with our baby boy. It started off pretty bumpy. His jaundice levels were still high so the first day that he was home he had to stay on the billy light in his crib. It was hard to not hold him and love on him after waiting so many days to bring him home, but we had to do it. The next day we found out that his levels were back to normal and we could start adjusting to life with a new baby.
He is such a great baby. So sweet and content. He only cries when he is in need of a changing or feeding. I also must brag that for now anyway he is a great sleeper. I get to sleep at night! Hopefully this lasts. Since I am breastfeeding he mostly wants to be with me. So there is little for Shea to do. But if anything comes up he is right there. He holds him and kisses him all the time. I think these two are going to be great buddies one day. Shea is a great daddy. We are both in love.

Monday, March 1, 2010

William and his "Myma"

The last 2 days have been a whirlwind. Finally having William home has been an experience that words cant describe. I love holding him and loving on him. But anyone that has had a newborn will tell you that it also can be a ton of work. Not to mention if one is recovering from a c-section. I must say that this would have been even harder if it wasn't for my blessing of a mother in law. She is one of the most loving people that I know, she showers us with love and affection at any and every opportunity. My husband is a bit of a "mama's boy" and if I had any other mother in law that may be hard to deal with but not with Angela at all.
She has been here taking care of the house, me and Shea. Doing anything she can find to do around the house while we get to know our new little boy. I wake up every morning with coffee made, and breakfast on a plate waiting for me. We are being treated like royalty.
Having her here means so much to us, not because of the royal treatment but also because she gets to bond with her first grandchild. It is an honor to have given her the grandchild she has longed for for so many years. This baby is really in for some spoiling.......