Last weekend I turned the big 26. What a year it has been. My life has changed in every way in the last year. A year ago I never would have guessed that I would be married only 9 months before having a baby. I don't know what could top my 25 th year on earth. I am such a lucky girl.
We celebrated with family. Aunt Theresa invited Shea, me and the baby to spend Saturday night with her. Of course it was a lot of fun. There were several highlights from the weekend.
First of all we played some usual. And not only did I win, but I got a 7 letter word that was worth 106 points. For all of you non-Scrabble players, that is HUGE! I am such a dork that I took a picture of it. The mac-daddy word that I made was "entices."

Aunt Theresa was a great host. She made me feel so special that weekend. I got up to feed William in the early morning and found a surprise that she set up for me.

There was a balloon and party decor and a very yummy chocolate cake made from scratch.
Angela came for the day of my birthday and we went to lunch at a Tia restaurant downtown. It was a wonderful day. I am a blessed woman. My life is full!
This week was a big week in the emerging of William's personality. He is adorable, the faces he makes are a range in expressions.
I love that he is smiling and cooing all the time. My favorite face that he makes is a serious look. He has the ability to move his eyebrows independently of each other and it is the cutest thing. He presses his lips together and lifts his eyebrow with a look that makes me wonder what is going through that little boys mind. He amazes me everyday. He is too cute not to spoil. I have lots of help on the spoiling front from his Myma and Aunt Theresa. When we are with them he is the center of attention.

The other day that was very special this week making it a "week to remember" was my very first Mother's Day. The day was very low key. Shea had to work all day, so William and I spent the day at home together. Shea had already taken his mom and me out to eat Friday for Mother's Day. To me there wasn't a better way to spend my first Mother's Day, than just being my sweet baby's mother.
I relaxed, and didn't do a lot of housework. Every time I looked at my little boy, I was reminded of how much I love being his Mama. My favorite moments are like ones pictured below. I am lying on my back with him sitting on me. We make noises and faces at each other. I just love getting to know who he is.

I got the best Mother's Day/ birthday gift from Shea. I knew exactly what I wanted.
Something that I really need as a mother. It is a Scoop! A flash attachment for my camera. I take most of William's pictures inside and I haven't been happy with some of them because of having to use a flash or trying not to use one. My photos have been either cold or blurry. I wish I would have gotten this sooner because I love it! It makes a big difference in my photos. Here are the very first pictures I took using it on my camera.

I decided to start back taking photos for people last week. I thought for sure that I would be kinda rusty. I have been cooped up in my house for 2 months, not being creative at all. So I started with a family that I have photographed before. They wanted some photos take by Morris Light House on Folly Beach. The shoot was actually really good.
The hard part was leaving William for a few hours to go and take the photos. I left him in the best of hands, my dear friend Bonnie. She is awesome with kids and babies. She has such a huge heart and I knew that he would be held and loved on the whole time.
She also has some of the best baby helpers around. When I came to pick up William he was having some tummy time while Wyatt and Ella read him books.

I think Ella decided that she was done...William had learned enough that day.

As you can see it has been a great week. I am starting to feel more and more like myself these days. A lot more energy and my mood is stabilizing (Shea can attest to that). So that is the weekly review. I will end with an adorable picture of my little man.