We celebrated with family. Aunt Theresa invited Shea, me and the baby to spend Saturday night with her. Of course it was a lot of fun. There were several highlights from the weekend.
First of all we played some Scrabble....as usual. And not only did I win, but I got a 7 letter word that was worth 106 points. For all of you non-Scrabble players, that is HUGE! I am such a dork that I took a picture of it. The mac-daddy word that I made was "entices."
Aunt Theresa was a great host. She made me feel so special that weekend. I got up to feed William in the early morning and found a surprise that she set up for me. 
There was a balloon and party decor and a very yummy chocolate cake made from scratch.
Angela came for the day of my birthday and we went to lunch at a Tia restaurant downtown. It was a wonderful day. I am a blessed woman. My life is full!
This week was a big week in the emerging of William's personality. He is adorable, the faces he makes are a range in expressions.
I love that he is smiling and cooing all the time. My favorite face that he makes is a serious look. He has the ability to move his eyebrows independently of each other and it is the cutest thing. He presses his lips together and lifts his eyebrow with a look that makes me wonder what is going through that little boys mind. He amazes me everyday. He is too cute not to spoil. I have lots of help on the spoiling front from his Myma and Aunt Theresa. When we are with them he is the center of attention.

I relaxed, and didn't do a lot of housework. Every time I looked at my little boy, I was reminded of how much I love being his Mama. My favorite moments are like ones pictured below. I am lying on my back with him sitting on me. We make noises and faces at each other. I just love getting to know who he is.

Something that I really need as a mother. It is a Scoop! A flash attachment for my camera. I take most of William's pictures inside and I haven't been happy with some of them because of having to use a flash or trying not to use one. My photos have been either cold or blurry. I wish I would have gotten this sooner because I love it! It makes a big difference in my photos. Here are the very first pictures I took using it on my camera.

The hard part was leaving William for a few hours to go and take the photos. I left him in the best of hands, my dear friend Bonnie. She is awesome with kids and babies. She has such a huge heart and I knew that he would be held and loved on the whole time.

She also has some of the best baby helpers around. When I came to pick up William he was having some tummy time while Wyatt and Ella read him books.

I think Ella decided that she was done...William had learned enough that day.
Your "scoop" pics are amazing!!! Definitely a great gift!!!