Monday, August 30, 2010
Day 14
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Day 12
I adore her little girls and of course was glad to have the opportunity to attend the party for Elizabeth's 5th birthday. It was a lot of fun. I wanted to get a lot of GREAT pictures, but....well those were my intentions. It was quite a task though trying to snap candid shots of kids going 100 MPH on sugar highs while I had William in the sling sitting on my hip, swatting at the lens. It was quite an adventure.
This is not the what I would call the best picture of the day, but I just like this little daddy/daughter moment between Jay and Madeline.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Simply Adorable
He has handled being sick and teething so well this week.
Of course is fussy some and wanting a lot of comfort, but overall he is still just a joy. I put these pictures side by side because it really is a depiction of what he is like right now. You can really see in the picture on the right that he is not feeling too great, but right before that one was taken he was laughing in hysterics in the picture on the left.
Day 8
Not only is he sick with some of kind of viral infection but he is also teething. So this has been a particularly difficult week. On top of that we are all sick. Me, Shea, Ricky and the baby....oh and did I mention that I started school this week too?! has been one insane week so far
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Day 6 Sick Day
Day 5- Bonnie's Birthday
Today was Bonnie's birthday so I got to spend the day with her and the kids. It wasn't really planned ahead of time. But when I talked to her and she mentioned that she might make her homemade chicken and dumplings there was no question that William and me were on our way. It's a nice thought that you may get to sit and talk with a girlfirend for hours on end, but that is just not reality. With three little ones that is just not possible. We had a lot of fun though. Happy Birthday Bonnie! We had a great time.
This is the photo of the day. It's really not a great picture. But it really captures what I love the most about her. Ella is the spunkiest little thing I ever seen. She says the funniest things, keeping us in stitches all the time. They could do that show "Kids say the Darnedest Things" again with only her and they would have an entire season of material.
Friday, August 20, 2010
6 Month Cuteness
Riverfront Park
I miss the Blue River Trail so much. I walked that trail almost everyday. I love Charleston, but I haven't found any place that could compete with my trail. And with 2 giant dogs, having a great place to walk is kind of important.
We have been a couple of times this week so far. There is a board walk along the river, a playground, fountains for kids to play in (even furry kids) and there is a little dog park too. Not to mention the awesome view and shear beauty of the place. We just may have a new spot!! YAH!!
I had to throw these in. I just lose the moss covered trees.
This one is kind of wierd but it is the moss up close. Wierd but cool.
Day 4
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Day 2
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Turtle Face
I cant believe I am trying to analyze the inner thoughts of a 5 month old. This is what it is......ONE STINKING CUTE BABY FACE!
Day 1
I said all of that to say that I am starting a project. It is a photo a day project. I am going to post at least one photo from each day. I like the idea of being able to look back on an entire year and seeing what that days was like in our lives.
I have noticed also that since William was born my photography skills have improved. I would like to think it is because of how much he inspires me, and of course having a great subject helps too. But I think the real reason is because I am taking pictures ALL THE TIME! That is another reason for this project. I want to keep my "eye" for photos and creativity fresh. I also want to take a different look at the world around me.
Most people that do this call it Project365. I do need a name for it, but I am not set on using that one yet. I am thinking something like, Snapshots in Time....or Life Behind the Camera...Maternal Lens....I really don't know yet.
So here is the photo of the day. Day 1
My sweet dog Game. I actually think I yell at this dog more than anything. So moments like these when he is calm and best of all SLEEPING are priceless to me. He is usually in trouble for steeling food off the counter tops, barking for no reason, waking the baby when barking for no reason....I could go on and on. Despite all of the ways the he drives me crazy, like eating 3 breast pumps, an entire can of baby formula, countless baby bottles...and yes once he got into the diaper Gennie....oh there I go I was saying DESPITE all of these things, he was my first. My first dog (besides my evil cat that is no longer with us) he really is my first baby. I love you Gamey-Boy.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Bath Time with Ducky
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Little Visitors
Friday, August 6, 2010
I snapped a few pictures that I just cant resist posting.
Come on, even if you are not a dog lover, you gotta admit this is cute!
Game and his bear. That poor bear of his. It was actually a bear that was given to William. I had it put up for a while, but when Asher was here he wanted to play with it. Well, that is when Game claimed it! Now this bear is with him at all times! He is so cute with it, I just cant take it from him. I could do a post soley on him and this bear (but I wont).

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
He is a beautiful child.
Theresa is a wonderful aunt to have but words cant describe what kind of grandmother she is! This little boy is her true delight in life.
It was a nice evening. We took a little walk down by the marsh.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
a new food group?
because it is the only thing he ever wants to eat. I'll have to check agian, maybe they are considered "finger foods."
I guess it's not the only thing he wants to eat.
Monday, August 2, 2010
I suppose that the reason I feel like there is so much to post is due to the amazing growth of William in the last 2 weeks.
I feel like there is so much to share about William(as always). This child is changing daily. Growing so fast! He is constantly making new discoveries. Life around here is much different as compared to a couple of months ago, even a couple of weeks ago.
It used to be all about feeding, changing and putting him down for naps. Now it is all about PLAYTIME!
He really likes to be on the floor with toys. A major development is that he started rolling from his back to his tummy. (videos to come)
It is really funny too to see how the dogs are starting to really notice him. Actually it is only Game that even cares about his existence.
He is really cute with. When William is playing on the floor, if Game is in the mood to play he will go find his teddy bear and push it against the baby, try to nudge him.
Other times he comes over as close as a he can and lays down right beside him. He likes to sneak in a few kisses too.
This is definatley one of the funniest pictures from this week. I guess back time isnt just fun for babies.
On to more "playtime" news......
I mentioned to Shea last week that I thought William would enjoy a jumpy thing (cant think of the name). And Shea in all of his wonderfulness went out and got him one. He wasn't exactly convinced that William would even use....but William took care of that. We pulled one off the shelf in the middle of the store and put him in it. He went nuts!! So that was all the selling that Daddy needed. He will do anything to make that baby's face light up.
It has become the main source of entertainment around here. (for the grown-ups too)
The first night he had it, he played and jumped constantly, until he literally couldn't play anymore.