The story began unfolding 9 months ago when two young people made a choice that would change their lives and the lives of another family forever. One of those young people was my little brother Ricky. Through tears, he and Amanda made the tough decision to take the road less traveled and instead of being parents when they were not ready they decided to find a family that is already ready. This process wasn't easy. And these two people had to make a very grown up decision and choose a family for their son.
On April 14th the family that would be chosen entered the picture. They put their hearts on the line and said yes to God and yes to being candidates. Within days they dropped everything and made their way to Charleston. They were vulnerable and already so in love this little boy that was still being formed. They submitted their desires to the Father. The next 2 weeks were agonizing for them as they waited, not knowing if this baby that they already loved so deeply would be theirs. On May 3rd they got their answer.....he was theirs!
Throughout this journey we witnessed the hand of God as He made the impossible possible. We saw Him answer prayers and overturn court decisions.
Amanda's due date was moved up from July 5th to June 29th and we hoped that he would come that day but he chose a very cool birthday instead, July 4th.
July 4, 2011 is a day I will never forget. I found out early that morning that Amanda was in the hospital with contractions. Later that morning I got the call that she would be induced. Daniel and Bonnie were only 3 hours away and we prayed and prayed that they would be there to see their son come into the world. And even though Amanda up until this point had been moving along in labor at a rapid pace, prayers were answered and she stayed 4cm until Daniel and Bonnie arrived.
Bonnie rushed to get to Amanda's room and see how much longer it would be.
They watched the monitors, anxiously. We all could tell that they were so nervous.
Then the time came to push.
And 45 mintues later Colby Daniel Hoover entered our lives.
And he was loved instantly.
The first time I saw him he was in Bonnie's arms as she rocked next to Amanda's bed.
He was beautful. I had a hard time not crying when Bonnie handed him to me and asked if I wanted to hold my nephew.
The day he was born was so joyful. It was amazing to see him of course but also to see how much Ricky and Amanda loved him and to see the work of the Lord as Colby was handed over to Bonnie and Daniel.
We all stood outside of the nursery and watched them as they had their first moments alone with their son.
We talked about how beautiful he was and how happy they looked with him and we all took in the reality that he was theirs.
And even though we were sad in a way for us, we were so happy for them. We were all happy to see how happy he made them.
to be continued..................................
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