This was our first time to the fair as a family. I was really excited to see how William would react to it. He is full of surprises when it comes to whether or not he will be afraid or over the moon about things like this.
I had a feeling though that we had the secret weapon for him to overcome any fears or insecurities.....his wonderful Dada.
They rode most of the rides together since we knew that I would be holding/ feeding Joel most of the day.
Angela came with us for the first few hours there and treated us to this fun night out as a family. She was a big help with Joel and I really enjoyed that.
She loved watching these two play and ride rides together.
I have to admit though, Shea and I underestimated the courage of our little man.

We thought for sure that there was no way that he would ride ANYTHING alone but he made liars out of us.
This was one of his favorite rides. He is like any 2.5 year old....obsessed with trucks!
and cars too of course!
It was such a fun night! I have always enjoyed fairs. Every year that I have lived in Charleston I have missed it some reason or another.
This night was worth the wait though.
I got to do a couple rides with William. This was one of his favorites. The merry-go-round. He squealed and laughed. And when we got on the ferris wheel together, as we were rising up to the top he said "Mama this is like the horsy going up and down."
He is really waking up to the world around him now too.
This is my favorite. I cant believe he is over 2.5 months now.
I cant wait until next year!
Love the fair pics!