The problem for Joel is that William was a freak of nature baby that slept anytime you wanted him to and was as content as can be. Joel is a very good baby compared to some of the horror stories I have heard. He is like any other baby (except William) needy and fussy at times. He is spoiled!
I don't think I know how to not spoil someone this adorable though.
His personality is emerging daily. He is so smiley! He laughs a little now too.

He is mostly formula fed at this point but does comfort nurse.
I don't know who it comforts more, me or him? I am very thankful to still have that bonding time with him.

He isn't sleeping through the night yet. I was hoping that William wasn't a freak of nature when it came to that and that Joel would sleep 12 hours at 3 months too, but no such luck so far. But that is okay he is allowed to be normal. He does sleep for a 5-6 hour stretch sometimes, so I am not going to complain. I will take what I can get!
I have really enjoyed these last 2-3 weeks what he is waking up to his little world. He is adorable! I do love him so much. He is perfect. When he looks at me and that beautiful grin lights up his chubby little face it is the most rewarding moment of my day.
I love the pics! He's beautiful!