We have yet to decide on our apporach to this holiday.
Easter eve as we were going to sleep Shea had the history channel on the t.v. They were doing a special on the mystery of the shroud. As I was trying to fall asleep I could hear in the background details of what they thought the man that once lay under this shroud must have faced. The information was so technical and scientific, but they spoke about the brutality of this death. I didn't and still do not have an opinion on whether or not this was Jesus' shroud from His death none of that was what lay on my mind. Imagining His death and meditating on it stirred my heart. This Easter, pondering the magnificence of his death is much more significant to me. Now as a mother, the thought of such suffering pains me. I cant imagine what the Father faced as He allowed His Son to suffer the worst death possible. What is so astounding is that He did all that He did just to be with me. I actually tried to think of anything that would motivate my heart in such a way that I could allow my sweet son to face that kind of death. I shutter at the thought, knowing that His capacity to love is even greater, I know that it was the ultimate sacrifice. How He loves me, knows the details of my life and the true simplicity of all that I am, how is it He is ravished by me.
I want to love Him more and more and more.......
In order for Angela to see her grandson on Easter we had to make a trip to her church. After the service there was a little picnic . He slept in her arms the entire time. She loves her William.
Parenthood is so much fun....and so much work! Boy, are we tired! He is defiantly worth it all.
Here is my beautiful boy, this picture was taken at Aunt Theresa's house in front of that magnificent view of hers.

I saw him sleeping with his arms stretched over his head and I had to capture it. He looks like he is sleeping so good. I am so jealous that does look like some good sleep. What a little angel he is.

I saw him sleeping with his arms stretched over his head and I had to capture it. He looks like he is sleeping so good. I am so jealous that does look like some good sleep. What a little angel he is.

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