After we finished dinner we drove out to James Island for the Festival of Lights. I have seen it a few times in the past and Shea has seen the lights about a billion times. It's funny how much you enjoy things like that after having a child. William sat in Angela's lap as we went through the 3 miles of lights. Seeing his reaction is what makes it all the more enjoyable. He reacted in true William fashion, contently watching as we passed through. When I think about it I can still see the reflection of lights in his big blue eyes. What a magical day. Filled with loving family, a new friend and a sweet bouncing (I mean that literally) baby boy. I am very blessed woman. I have so much to be thankful for. God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams.
Friday, November 26, 2010
so very thankful
After we finished dinner we drove out to James Island for the Festival of Lights. I have seen it a few times in the past and Shea has seen the lights about a billion times. It's funny how much you enjoy things like that after having a child. William sat in Angela's lap as we went through the 3 miles of lights. Seeing his reaction is what makes it all the more enjoyable. He reacted in true William fashion, contently watching as we passed through. When I think about it I can still see the reflection of lights in his big blue eyes. What a magical day. Filled with loving family, a new friend and a sweet bouncing (I mean that literally) baby boy. I am very blessed woman. I have so much to be thankful for. God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams.
My Sister's Wedding
The highlight for any trip to Georgia is getting to see my family and of course getting to show off William. We all had a lot of fun, playing in the yard, watching the babies play and enjoying the breathtaking scenery of the Georgia mountains.
I had not seen Sid (Nicki's youngest) since he was 3 weeks old. Him and William are 8 weeks apart. He is one of the funniest babies I have ever seen. he cracked us all up with his squeels and grunts.
He is a spunky child though. Full of energy and beaming from ear to ear. I was looking forward to seeing how they reacted to one another. The grunting scared William a little and he could not handle Sid crying. William has just gotten where he is really interested in other kids. They were really cute together. Sid isn't sitting up or crawling yet, so there wasn't a lot of "playing" but they did exchange grunts and giggles and big smiles with one another.
Asher was adorable with William. He is loving, and tender towards him. He calls him "cousin" and can actually say William now instead of Willum. I have to admit that I miss hearing him say "Willum."
All of his sweetness unfortunately does not come out in his photos. When I say look at Gogo this is the face that I get.....
Those are my favorite kind of photos though.....boys of course will be boys. I believe he was saying over and over again to me "I WANT CAKE!" And yes, I meant to put that in all caps. He deserved as much cake as he wanted, because I bribed him with cake all day when we were taking pictures.
We started the day of the wedding off with some engagment pictures.
Nicki and Marvin had not had any engagement photos done yet. So we got up Saturday morning and did them.
Well I guess I should get to the "main event"....Nicki's wedding. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! The ground was covered with colorful leaves. The trees were still hanging on to many as well, which created such a gorgeous scene. The backdrop of the ceremony was a green covered mountain and fall leaves. The ceremony took place a little before sun down. This is Marvin and Asher moments before seeing Nicki. Just look at Asher's face! He is happy to be in a suit, cant you tell.
Nicki was breathtaking as she walked to her groom on the arm of Uncle Joe. and the ceremony was really sweet. I choked back tears all while trying to get the best pictures possible.
Her beauty was not lost of one little person, her sweet son. Asher was standing by his dad as Nicki came down. When Nicki finally reached them Asher exclaimed, "Maaaaama?! Where did you get your dwess!? Maaaaama, I like your dwess!" He must have said at least five times. It was probably my favorite moments from the whole weekend. It will definatley be one of those stories that I tell him over and over again into adulthood. That is one sweet little boy.
Of course we had all three boys dressed to impress.
Since Sid could'nt sit up I did have the antique cradle on hand for him to sit in. I love these pictures but William would not smile. He was soooooo ready for a nap. The weekend was hard on his sleep schedule (an mine). I was about to put him put him down for nap and realized that we were losing light outside. That poor kid, photos always have to come first.
Here is William with his pretty Aunt Nicki. I had to throw it in because he is actually smiling a little.
After the sun went down we had a giant bonfire. We are a family of piros! The night ended with a first dance in front of the bonfire.
I love you Nicki! I hope that it was everything that you dreamed of in a wedding.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
a new world for ALL his senses.........
taste being one of those....I guess I should be taking that from him and not be taking pictures.
okay, just one more photos. he loves his veggies!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I didn't realize what an adventure it would become at 6 months old.
Myma's Tigger
There were lots of goodies and great entertainment. The people that she takes care of put on a skit for everyone there. William of course stole the show with his abounding cuteness.
I have to admit that I will go to just about anything where I can show him off.
Someone else really enjoys showing him off too....his Myma!
She loves her grandbaby. He's pretty fond of her too.
The bunch that Angela works with are such a hoot. You cant help but laugh when you are with them.
And here is Tigger with one of our favorite people, Yolanda. This is one of the funniest people I know. Not to mention sweet, genuine and just a great girl. William likes her too, but he likes her jewlry even more. She was dressed as a church lady.
Thank you Trucare for having us. We had a blast!