We spent Christmas at our house this year. Shea's mom, Aunt Theresa and Ricky shared the day with us. We had a lot of fun and made some wonderful memories. This Christmas was one that I hope will stick in my memory forever. The day started off us brunch. I made a breakfast casserole and yummy gooey monkey bread.
William got up before everyone was there and opened his stocking.
Then, after everyone was there we opened presents. There were some really cool presents that I want to mention so I will remember them. First of all Shea's gift from me. I actually found his present a couple months ago. I have heard over and over again from Shea and his mom that as a child he loved to listen to a record of Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. I was in a thrift store a couple months ago and I found it on vinyl. I thought is would be a really great gift and cool accent to William's room in a frame. He was really surprised and loved it, but he was even more excited when I told him that it was 99 cents. That was the best present I could give him! Here is Shea cheesing it up for the camera...just for doing that I am putting your cheesy smile on my blog!
Aunt Theresa is so special to us and a big part of our lives. She is really a second grandmother to William and like a mother to me. Shea and I wanted to do something unique for her this year. Months back while I was helping her sort photos she came across a photo of her with her 2 sons. I could tell that she was really moved by the image so I swiped it. We had a float wrap made for her of the photo. It turned out so great. Her reaction was priceless.
William of course got lots of great presents. He mostly enjoyed chewing on the tags, boxes, paper and bows.....we could have saved a ton of money!
I actually made it into a photo!
Here are William and Aunt Theresa playing on the floor together.
Mama and her santa baby.
What every boy needs....his own airplane...maybe he will let his daddy fly it sometime until he gets his own to fly.
My super soft, comfy robe.
I feel so greatful for the blessings in my life. Days like these make you reflect of what you love, what you miss and what is most important to you. So, now that this majestic season is coming to an end, and the celebration of that sweet baby that was born more than 2000 years ago is fading into I new year I am relfecting on all that He has given me. My cup runneth over.
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