He is so funny, with constant babble and chatter. He has cut his top front teeth this month. I must say that it was really a rough week around here. There was very little sleeping going on, he got way off his schedule. That hardest part as a first time mama with teething is when he acts a certain way with the fussing, drooling and sleeplessness I think right away that it must be teeth, but I really I have no idea. So after 3 nights of up and down when I thought it couldn't get worse, we had one of the worst nights and then the next morning when I was holding him on my lap he laughed and there they were 2 teeth. After they came in he went back to normal.
He had his 9 month wellness check last week. He is doing great. He is 27 1/2 inches long now and 19 lbs 3 ounces. The doctor asked about certain things like if he is saying mama, dada, bye-bye. Shea and I were both a little puzzled. He does none of that.
I wasn't really worried, I know my son and knew that he was fine. What I was worried about was his daddy. We call him helicopter because he hovers over William. The thought of something not normal will worry him. The doctor wanted to see how he would react if he walked out of the room with William away from us. He carried him up and down the hallway, stopping to chat with nurses and doctors, I guess testing him socially. I could hear them talking and laughing at him. I heard, "oh! you like to chew on cell phones!" He came back in the room and said "this is the happiest, most laid back baby I have ever seen" Of course he is perfectly normal....but even to the amazement of medical science he is truly a dream baby (now I can say he has been diagnosed).

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