What a great way to start the year.....a new beginning for my sister and getting to live in the same city as her and my nephews.
William and Sid, are so adorable together. They are 8 weeks apart. Sid is a giant baby!
In just the first week of Sid being here he started sitting up on his own and has begun to getting on his hands and knees.
Before he was sitting up William wasnt quite sure what to do with him. So most of the time he just tackles him.
Here are some more sweet moments. These were all taken when I had William and Sid by myself for the day. I have had my hands full and havent gotten any with Asher edited yet....but have no fear there will be PLENTY of Asher here.
And like I said earlier Sid is a giant. Even though he is 2 months younger than William he is 3-4 pounds heavier. They are alike in that they are both pretty good babies, but Sid is much more vocal than William is. He growls and grunts and screams. But all of that is just entertaing for William.
Only to add to the chaos of having 7 people in this small house, all 3 kids have had some type of cold for the last week and the 2 babies are teeething....ahhhhhh! But man oh man are they cute!
I just cant get enough of having a another baby to photograph around here.
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