Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Myma's Tigger

Every year Angela's work holds a Fall party. She works with the elderly and severely handicap. It is always a lot of fun. I didnt even think of dressing William up, but his dear aunt Theresa saw a Tigger costume about a month ago and got it for him as gift for both him and Angela (Tigger is her favorite....actually she IS Tigger).
There were lots of goodies and great entertainment. The people that she takes care of put on a skit for everyone there. William of course stole the show with his abounding cuteness.
I have to admit that I will go to just about anything where I can show him off.
Someone else really enjoys showing him off too....his Myma!

She loves her grandbaby. He's pretty fond of her too.


The bunch that Angela works with are such a hoot. You cant help but laugh when you are with them.

And here is Tigger with one of our favorite people, Yolanda. This is one of the funniest people I know. Not to mention sweet, genuine and just a great girl. William likes her too, but he likes her jewlry even more. She was dressed as a church lady.

Thank you Trucare for having us. We had a blast!


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